Blog Debut Coming

Within the next few days, the revision of Glory to God for All Things will be appearing. There will be some details that will be worked out after it first goes on line – thus I ask for patience ahead of time. I also offer my deepest thanks to those who have made this possible. I have developed a new catalog system for articles – though I’ve yet to enter it with the material. That process might take as much as a week (there are about 1500 articles to re-catalog and accurately characterize).

In the fairly short-term, I am working on a series of articles on the Sacrament of the Heart, in which I’ll look at the Orthodox understanding of sacrament and its connection with the teaching on the place of the heart. If “all the world is a sacrament,” as the Patriarch of Constantinople has written, then we must learn to live and perceive sacramentally to proper inhabit God’s creation. That can only happen in the place of the heart.

I am vacationing with family for a few days – seeing my two grandsons! – and hope to return to active duty after the weekend. Glory to God for all things, indeed!

18 Responses to “Blog Debut Coming”

  1. Orthodox Collective Says:

    […] Elder Porphyrios, Wounded by love ☆ ☆ ☆ 3) Blog Debut Coming fatherstephen on Thursday, Aug […]

  2. Mrs. Mutton Says:

    Have a great time on vacation, Father. Nothing’s sweeter than family. Looking forward to the New and Improved version of your blog!

  3. Karen Says:

    Looking forward to seeing the new blog, Father. Meanwhile, have a wonderful time off with your family!

  4. Lynne Says:


  5. Steve Says:

    I’m wondering which Patriarch of Constantinople said that “all the world is a sacrament”. I first read Fr Alexander Schmemann’s book For the life of the world back in 1969, when it was sold under the title The world as sacrament

  6. fatherstephen Says:

    The current Patriarch, Bartholomew, has written that “all the world is a sacrament.”

  7. Steve Says:

    That’s interesting — I wonder if he got it from Fr Alexander Schmemann, or if they both got it from somewhere else.

  8. fatherstephen Says:

    I think the understanding is inherent in Orthodoxy, even if long unspoken. Schmemann predates the Patriarch, but it’s been a bit of a common understanding among many Orthodox for a while. I appreciate the Patriarch saying it so clearly. Now I can quote him and not quote myself.

  9. Michael Bauman Says:

    The world as sacrament seems inherent in the Scriptures to me especially with the Incarnation. Nevertheless, as the Sacrament of the Heart posts shows, the meaning of the word sacarment is not always shared.

  10. PJ Says:

    The world is a sacrament inasmuch as it allows created persons to partake of communion with the Uncreated Persons of the Holy Trinity. This is the point to which my meditations have brought me.

  11. fatherstephen Says:

    Precisely. I’m currently reading a series by Fr. Dumitru Staniloae, Romanian, and one of the greatest Orthodox theologians of the 20th century. I’ve been slowly working on a post drawn from his work on the subject. (You’ll be pleased, he quotes Rahner every so often). He quotes St. Maximus:

    By hiding Himself mystically in reasons (logoi), the Word (Logos) offers Himself proportionally for understanding through each of the visible things as through letters, whole and complete in everything, whole and undiminished…”

    Staniloae says,

    The human subject is invited to a conscious, spiritual, and material life in communion with the Logos; he is invited to gather within himself all the created reasons given material form in order for him to share a content of thought and life in common with the divine Logos.

    We should be careful to understand Staniloae’s use of “reason,” “thought,” etc. is a conscious use of variations of Logos. The complete text expands on this. Thus he is not reducing our communion to mere contemplation.

  12. PJ Says:

    It seems to me that, for the theist, understanding the world as sacrament is the only alternative to understanding the world as test. The former imbues creation with inherent meaning while the latter renders it a sort of virtual reality (definitely not one-story material!).

  13. PJ Says:

    By test I mean a trial to decide whether one goes to heaven or hell, as is commonly believed in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

  14. fatherstephen Says:

    On the original topic of blog debut… prayers, we’re very close to completed (though I’ve still got to catalog the articles). Pray for a smooth transition…

  15. Lynne Says:

    Will be praying.

  16. David Di Giacomo Says:

    Father, I hope the new blog will keep the comments on the old posts. I found some of the comments you wrote in response to concerns and questions raised by readers to be as valuable to read as the articles themselves.

  17. fatherstephen Says:

    We plan to keep all of those things in place. They are a very valuable part of the blog it seems to me. The last few pieces are going in place today (hopefully) for at least a “debut.” Getting things set straight in the sidebar and the appropriate updated “widgets” will follow and the catalog of articles as well. The archives (by date) will also remain as well as the ability to search a word (for questions they may not be catalogued).

  18. David Di Giacomo Says:

    Thank you, Father. I am glad to hear that. I fondly remember reading all your archived posts, including most of the comments, as a big part of my conversion to Orthodoxy. For months it was almost all I read. I think I’ve been away from your blog for too long now.

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